Tags, fields, credit notes upgrades

Ron Danenberg31 Aug 20231 min

New Tags for Payment Methods setup

For users who have GoCardless, they can give their customers a URL in the templates to dircetly setup a direct debit payment method:

{{ payment_method.bank_account_setup_url }}

Same for card setup if they have Stripe:

{{ payment_method.card_setup_url }}

Showing reference for Credit Notes

QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite, and Custom integrations that support it, we show the reference of the Credit Note in the timeline

Getting unallocated Credit Notes for Xero

In addition to QuickBooks, our Xero integration can now import unallocated Credit Notes (the CN not yet allocated to invoices, which impacts the customer’s balance).

New fields in the Open API

Our Open API returns additional fields on demand for the list of Customers and the Timeline endpoints: https://www.kolleno.com/api

Custom Integrations: import the address

For Custom integrations that support it, we can import the Customers addresses. The first to use this is the Sage 50 UK integration.

NetSuite: choose the field that contains the reference

For NetSuite users, they can decide what field they want to use from NS to consider as the Customer’s reference to show in Kolleno. This has to be set up by the Kolleno team.

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