Reconcile NetSuite payments and Reports information

Ron Danenberg15 Jun 20230 mins

Pushing NetSuite payments

Payments received on the Platform are pushed back to NetSuite to update the balance of invoices paid and creating payment objects in NetSuite.

A feature can also be activated on demand to do it for the “Bank Account Reconciliations”.

Custom Integration in the settings

If the Company is connected via a Custom Integration, it is now shown in the “Accounting” tab of the settings. In this example, the Custom Integration is “abillity”:

Reconciliation improvements

For the Reconciliation page, we made a number of changes such as handling large names, search in the list of banks, etc.

“Learn more” about Reports

Most of the reports have a button “Learn More”:

It gives more information about the usefulness of a report and when to use them:

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