Seamless Onboarding, Invoices status and Filter

Ron Danenberg20 Apr 20230 mins

Seamless Onboarding flow

This is the biggest piece. For new users, we made it super easy and friendly to onboard onto Kolleno and improve the way you work.

Breakdown by Customer report – added column

The “Breakdown by Customer” report (Ageing Balance category), contains a new column ‘Latest Note’ that shares the the latest note recorded on the Customer’s timeline.

Invoices Days Overdue filter

A new filter has appeared on the invoices page: search between any range of days overdue:

Mark Invoices as Closed

The Kolleno team can now activate, per Company, the ability to mark Invoices as Closed in the app. Please note that this feature does not reconcile with the accounting platform connected. So it is more suitable for custom integrations or CSV imports.

Change Invoices status from Main Page

In addition to the tab “Invoices” on each Customer’s page, you can now change the Invoice status directly on the main Invoices page:

Record Payments Manually

We can activate a feature to add in the Timeline manual payments. Please note this does not synchronize with the accounting platform. Suitable for custom integrations and CSV imports:

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