Universal URLs and Promise to Pay easy creation

Ron Danenberg09 Feb 20231 min

Universal URLs

Until now, for users who have access to several accounts, there was an issue: sharing the link of a customer’s timeline might lead to an error when the receiving party opens it.

Example BEFORE:

John has ACME Ltd. open on Kolleno

Alex has ZEUS Ltd. open on Kolleno

John copies the URL of customer A

John sends the URL to Alex

Alex opens it, and is redirected to dashboard of ZEUS Ltd. because he didn’t have ACME open.

Example NOW:

John has ACME Ltd. open on Kolleno

Alex has ZEUS Ltd. open on Kolleno

John copies the URL of customer A

John sends the URL to Alex

Alex opens it and sees the information of customer A (as expected!)

This will significantly improve the experience for multi-accounts users.

Easier creation of Promise to Pay

In the timeline, when you see any communication that has invoices linked to it, you can just click on the ellipsis on the side and create a promise to pay directly for these invoices. No need to go in the ‘invoices’ tab, find them, and select them.

Xero – do not download the Xero generated PDF

Some users asked not to download the Xero PDF-generated invoices from Kolleno. Use case is that they generate the invoices in another system, attach them to the invoice object in Xero, and want these ones to be downloaded instead. This is now possible.

Some rules:

  • Please ensure there is only one file attached and that it is a PDF.
  • Otherwise, all the attached files will be downloaded as ZIP.
  • If there are no attached files, nothing should download.
  • If you ever need to reconnect the Xero connection because it is invalid, we will reactivate this setting on our side (so please let us know accordingly).

In order to activate this, Kolleno team will need to set up that connection with the option “Allow pulling Xero invoice design”.

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