Filters, Clio app portal, Linked Customers, Settings screen

Ron Danenberg01 Jun 20221 min

Delighted to share that the tech team went above and beyond to deliver amazing new features 🔥🔥

Excel-style Filters

We now have filters user-friendly, in the same style as Excel. 

Old filters on the left, new ones on the right:

Filter by Assigned customers

As part of the filters, in strategies/bulk communications, you can now filter by customers already assigned.

Linked Customers

In Kolleno, you can link customers together! This is a game-changer for many businesses with holdings, where one contact is the same for several customers entities. 

Dropdown to select invoices

As part of this update, we have a clearer dropdown when selecting contacts/invoices (here, it shows invoices from all linked customers):

Settings screen redesigned

The settings screen has been entirely re-designed, grouped by sections. As part of this, you can now also edit the bank account details that show on the customer portal. 

Old design on the left, new design on the right.

Kolleno supports Blink for card payments (alternative to Stripe).

Clio app portal

For Clio user, since this week we are on the new integrated Clio apps portal for one-click integration (only available for US clients for now). See “Add to Clio” button.

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