How to Approve a Journal Entry in NetSuite

Ron Danenberg02:04

🚨 Problem: How to Approve Journal Entries in NetSuite 📋✅

Welcome to this quick NetSuite tutorial on how to approve journal entries in NetSuite. Today, you’ll learn how to activate and use the approval feature for journal entries.

🛠️ Solution: Activating and Using Approval Feature for Journal Entries

Step 1: Navigate to Journal Entries

  • Go to Transactions in the top menu, then Financial, and select Make Journal Entries. 📂➡️🧾

Step 2: Check for Approval Checkbox

  • If you don’t see the Approved checkbox, the approval feature might not be activated in your NetSuite settings. 🚫🔲

Step 3: Enable Approval Feature

  1. Navigate to Accounting Preferences:
    • Go to Setup, then Accounting, and select Accounting Preferences. ⚙️📊
  2. Enable Approvals:
    • In the General sub-tab (which should be the default tab), find the option Require approvals on journal entries. ✔️
    • Check this box to enable approval and then click Save. 💾

Step 4: Refresh Journal Entry Page

  • Return to the journal entry page and refresh it. 🔄

Step 5: Using the Approval Checkbox

  • Now you should see the Approved checkbox near the top of the journal entry form. ✅
  • Click or unclick it depending on whether the journal entry is approved. The system will remember your changes when you save it. 💡

Important Note

If you’ve enabled the Journal Entries Approval Routing accounting preference, the Approved box won’t be displayed. Instead, you’ll use SuiteFlow to create a custom journal entry approval routing flow. You can find this setting in Accounting Preferences under Approval Routing. 🔄📝

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