Kolleno 2.0 – part 1: Revamped Dashboard

Irina Anichshuk27 Sep 20244 mins

Kolleno 2.0 release is designed to help our clients further optimize operational workflows and build a stronger foundation for payment success. We are also introducing Kolleno’s AI Co-Pilot, your daily partner for reducing the burden of routine tasks and providing instant customer analysis support, which we’ll tell more about in the next product update.

In this product update, we’ll talk in more detail about the updated view of the dashboard.

Granular Overview of the Aging Balance Breakdown

The dashboard allows you to switch between actively chased customers or all customers and is aimed to help you with the following key objectives:

Easily identify and stay on top of promises to pay

No more wasting time tracking down customers’ promises to pay! You can now easily view the portion of your overdue balance with a commitment to be paid by checking the respective bar within each aging group. Click on the bar for a detailed breakdown of each group by invoice, including invoice number, customer name, total amount, due date, and more. This view should help you not only keep track of promised payments but also prioritize other invoices with no payment commitments.

Ensure every overdue invoice gets follow-up

The “Not Contacted” bars provide a clear view of which invoices have not yet been followed up by your team. Easily identify overdue invoices needing action. Clicking on the bar gives you a detailed overview of all outstanding invoices within that aging group that haven’t received any outbound communication.

Monitor your collections progress over time

This section helps you evaluate your collections performance within a specific period. Use the filters on the right side to select your desired timeframe and receive insights on:

  • How much you have collected within the period?
  • How many invoices were paid on time within the period?
  • How many Invoices were paid late within the period?

Dynamic Overview of Your Top 10 Debtors and Favorite Reports

These new features are designed to help you manage your debtors, and access reports more efficiently, keeping you on top of your collections.

Top 10 debtors overview

Get a comprehensive view of your top 10 debtors, including details like name, overdue balance, and more. You can sort debtors by the criteria that matter most to you: overdue balance, promises to pay, percentage of total overdue, number of invoices, or average days late. Instantly identify any debtors who haven’t been chased or see the last contact date for each customer. Quickly take action by clicking on the three dots to access the customer timeline directly from the dashboard.

Favorite reports section

Save time with the new “Favourite Reports” feature, which allows you to download and share key reports faster. Kolleno 2.0 offers three default reports, but you can customize this section to display the reports that matter most to you or are frequently used by your team by starring them in the Reports section.

Collections Workflows Performance Insights

Designed to help you monitor and optimize your collections workflows for even better results.

Evaluate the Success of All Your Collections Workflows

With Kolleno, your goal is to collect more of overdue payments by scaling your processes and automating manual tasks – enabling faster collections with less effort. The new dashboard feature provides a clear view of how much you’ve collected so far with active Kolleno workflows. Every day, you can easily track you progress in terms of payments received (£ collected) from all customers in collections workflows against the total overdue that is outstanding for them (£ goal).

Identify Customers and Invoices with overdue balance that are not in workflows

Now, you can track all customer balances that aren’t part of any workflow. The total overdue amount reflects your company’s full outstanding balance, while the “Not in Workflow” section shows how much of that overdue balance isn’t being collected through automation—highlighting opportunities for further automation to speed up collections. You can quickly view these invoices and decide whether to enroll them in an existing workflow or create a new one.

Understand collections performance with workflows and compare one to another

We don’t just provide an aggregate overview—we now break down collections performance for each individual workflow, so you can see which is performing better. You can monitor up to three workflows at once and use additional filters to gain deeper insights.

Track your email performance and delivery success

By popular demand, we’ve added reporting on automated email performance. You can track how many emails were sent within a specific period, the percentage that remains unread, and any undelivered messages. To help you understand the value of Kolleno, we also show you the time saved through automation thanks to automated emails.

We’re hosting a live session on October 15th to explore these and other new features in Kolleno 2.0. 

Register here to join us and learn how these updates can enhance your daily workflow!

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